Authors Beginning with "D"

D. Sidhe

Caffiene, Conspiracies, and the Fortean Nature of Fishes:
I: This Island Maury 
II: Flying Saucer Safari 
III: Trek to Stupidity 
IV: Earth Boys are Much Harder 
V: Mutes: It's What's for Dinner 
VI: Land of Ten Thousand Lake Monsters 
VII, Do Abductees Dream of Alien Sheep? 
VIII: When Geoducks Go Bad 
IX: Sleepless in Sammamish 
X: The Strawberry Ice Cream Show 
XI: The Kiler Korn From Outer Space

Author: D. Sidhe
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: See each individual story.
Summary: "Caffeine, Conspiracies, and the Fortean Nature of Fishes" is a new series, which is basically a Langly/Byers, Frohike/Mulder "Weekend"-sequel road trip. There's a lot of insanity going on. This one's a WIP actually in progress, but here's where we are so far. There's still very little plot, but there does seem to be rather a lot of entirely gratuitous sex.
Disclaimers: Nobody here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Apologies to all and sundry.


Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know
Author: D. Sidhe
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: G
Summary: The strangest stories ever told…
Disclaimers: Nobody here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Apologies to all and sundry.  
