Title: Bad Case of The Bug (1/1)
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Website: None
Category: Gen-Het
Rating: G
Summary: A certain hacker makes a lousy
Archive: Anywhere, fine.
Disclaimer: All X-Files characters are property
of C. Carter, 1013 Productions, and FOX.
No infringement intended.
Notes: Spoilers: None.


I tried to ignore how I was starting to feel the other day, when, while at my computer, I started feeling real, real queasy.  What a trip...  Thought it was due to eating Frohike's three-day old chili, (Hey, I've eaten the stuff when it was green before) and if I just inured myself to the chills, the aches, the pains and overall feeling of total put-me-out-of-my-misery malaise, whatever this thing is will go away...

Dream on!  Ha-ha--but *so* not funny.  Yeah, this time the joke, or should I say, the dose's is on me.  I've got the bug, man, and I don't mean Y2K.  This is viral infection with a vengeance.  Like payback for thumbing my nose at getting a flu shot all those times.  Just count me in with the rest of the plague victims.  According to CNN, D.C.'s been hit just as hard as the rest of the country.  I, Ringo Langly, stand, well not right now, I'm dyin', and be counted.

It wasn't until I was lying flat on my back, and told the guys I was seein' yellow, that they hauled my sorry keister up from the bed, loaded me into the van and booked to Georgetown Medical asap.  At Emergency, after triage got a good look at me...and I guess I wasn't looking the best I've ever looked, since several other nurses were called over to check me out, for their joint opinions, I became theirs.

No big surprise.  I was admitted, and am presently resting uncomfortably here in Room, uh...wait, Frohike just said what it was a few minutes ago, when Byers asked.  They think I'm sleepin', but I'm fakin', 'cause I just need to rest.  Last night was rough with all the hacking--of the coughing variety--and I HATE IV's.  Didn't get much sleep as a result.  Oh, yeah, Room ten-thirteen.  I'm not superstitious, just paranoid, but I wished they'd have had another room to stick me in.  I sense bad karma from that number.  But, no such luck.  The facility's packed-out with us flu sickees.

All I can say is I better be all well, a week from now, man.  The cruise is comin' up with Scully's cousin, and I'm goin', no matter what.  Runny nose, watery eyes, fever--the feeling of feeling like death warmed over-- regardless.  Even dehydration won't stop me!

The flu bug hasn't been engineered yet that can keep me from that gorgeous babe, and some well-deserved fun in the sun.  Now, if I can just survive the staff's efforts to get me well, I might have a fighting chance.

This is all your fault, Mulder, for gettin' it first, an' shootin' it to me.  Maybe I'll just return the favor, and give you an electronic one...