Title: Sunset
Author: Frohike
E-Mail: frohike51@aol.com 
Website: Frohike's Folly www.geocities.com/frohike51
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: G
Summary: A melancholy piece written on the long, dark journey into work. A little MSR, a little BSR~~you'll figure that one out soon enough.
Archive: Anywhere want, just contact me to let me know where it's going.
Disclaimers: Anyone you recognize belongs to Chris Carter, 1013, FOX, etc., etc., etc. This one hit me out of the blue on the long, dark drive into work this morning. It started out being about one character, then I realized it applied equally well to two. I'll leave it to you to decide which character I was thinking of first. *g* Mim, I guess I like being melancholy; I seem to be wallowing in it of late.
Notes: none


I measure my days in sunsets, unable to tolerate the endless glare of daylight. Each day, at the appointed hour, I stand and face the west, watching the sun sink slowly beneath the horizon until the cool blackness of the night regains its hold on the sky. I feel whole again, closer to you now than at any other time. You were lost to me in the sterile light of the moon, taken once again by a cold-hearted lover bent on destroying what we'd only just begun to discover. The first one was lost to an assassin's bullet; I have no defense, no recourse against the second, so I accept as best I can. I mark the sunsets on my mental calendar, keeping count of the days you've been gone, afraid to consider that with each passing day, the chances of your return lessen.


I feel a hand on my shoulder and a gentle squeeze of comfort. "I'm all right."

"She's gone, man. It's time to move on," Frohike says quietly.

"No she's not," I reply, touching my hand to my heart. "Not here. She's still right here."


I feel a jacket being draped across my shoulders. "I'm fine, sir."

"We'll get him back," Skinner promises.

"I know." I gather the coat tightly around my shoulders, as if hugging myself, then allow him to lead me away from the sidewalk in front of the Reflecting Pool.

I measure my days in sunsets, hoping that soon, I will be able to reclaim the sun.
