Titles "F-J"

Fall Guy
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: English holiday fic. Yves is acting suspiciously, and Jimmy has to
find out why.


First Person Scully
Author: Sue Littlejohn 
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: PG-13 
Summary:The guys have a different slant on venture capital.


A Fish Story
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail:  everly_dawn@yahoo.com 
Website: Lo Studio di Iniquita'
Category:  Gen/Het, Humor, Vignette
Rating: PG
Summary: The boys have a humorous conversation.


Fathers And Sons
Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG

Summary:  Challenge fic featuring a minor character from an episode of the Lone Gunmen series.


Author: Alison
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Langly finds a new way to surprise Byers


Freedom, Come Midnight- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3  
Author: Sue 
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: PG-13 (Adultish in tone) 


Frohike’s First Father’s Day
Author: MagsRose
Feedback: magsrose@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: G
Summary: The title says it all


Fruits and Veggies
Author: Mice
Email: just_us_mice@yahoo.com
Category: Slash, Langly/Byers
Rating: NC-17 for food and other kinks
Summary: Byers and Langly go to the organic foods co-op


Full Measure Justification
Author: Martha
Email: marthalgm@yahoo.com
Category: Gen /Het, Story
Rating: PG13 - language
Summary: Three news stories intrigue the Gunmen.


Grave Secrets
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: Another post-ep for Jump the Shark. Scully visits Arlington.


Great Bear 1
Great Bear 2
Great Bear 3

Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Post-ep for Diagnosis Jimmy: angst on the journey back to Washington


The Guest- Part 1, Part 2
Author: Brenna "Snakelady" Dawkins
E-Mail: BrennaSnakelady@aol.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: Yves asks the Lonegunmen to give her protection, which means living with them temporarily...


The Gunmen Live
Author: McJen
Email: skyfullofstars76@yahoo.com
Website: www.geocities.com/skyfullofstars76
Category: JTS
Rated: PG
Summary: The Gunmen aren't really dead.  Find out what really happens after the Jump the Shark episode.


The Gunmen Standard
Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Response to a 155-word challenge on the Topica list.


Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Slash
Rating:  NC/17
Summary:  It’s a hot night in the Lone Gunmen’s HQ …


Author: Amy Jonas
Email: adjonas2000@yahoo.com
Rating: PG13 for sexual situation

Category/Pairing: Gen/Het, Jimmy/Yves
Disclaimer: I don’t own Jimmy and Yves but if the PTB want to give them to me…
Summary: Heat between Jimmy and Yves .


Hold Tight to the Rose
Author: Mice
Email just_us_mice@yahoo.com
Category: Slash, Jimmy/Byers, Angst
Summary: A devastated Bond tries to cope with the events of Jump the Shark
Website: Mice's Hole in the Wall  


Homeward Bound
Author: Alison
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Langly makes a mistake and pays for it


How Long Has This Been Going On?
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: How did Frohike find out about Langly and Byers?


The Human Touch
Author: Amy Jonas
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The title says it all.


Ice Station Takoma Park
Author: Martha
Email:  marthalgm@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating:  PG   
Summary:  A freak ice storm traps everyone at the Gunmen headquarters. 


I Had this Dream
Author: MagsRose
Feedback: magsrose@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: R 
If you had a dream about a Gunman, which one would it be?


Interlude with Candle
Author: mice
E-Mail: just_us_mice@yahoo.com 
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Byers decides to show Langly a little fun.


The Incredible Shrinking Gunman
Author: GirlX
E-mail: bnlx14@aol.com
Website: http://www.expage.com/thelonegunwoman
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13 for language you'd hear on TV
Summary: One of the Gunmen is Shrinking (Duh). Can the remaining Gunmen, plus our favorite FBI agents save him before its to late?


In the Line of Duty
Author: Brenna "Snakelady" Dawkins
E-Mail: BrennaSnakelady@aol.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13: violence
Summary: Frohike get's killed, told from Jimmy's POV


Item #2229649660
Author: Amazon X
E-mail: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com
Website: http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Feedback: Why, yes, thank you!
Category: Gen/Het, clothes, theft, money, stuff
Rating: PG
Summary: Who do you think would sell Krycek's leather jacket on Ebay?
Archive: The Basement, Full House Slash, Gossamer, WWOMB, and if I OKed when I signed up on the list, go for it.  Anyone else, just tell me!  

Item # 2232673307 a.k.a. Alex’s Revenge
Author: Amazon X
E-mail: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com
Website: http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Feedback: Why, yes, thank you!
Category: Rat revenge, Gun Angst, fucking this time!
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Alex was just a little more pissed than we were led to believe.  
