Titles "K-O"

Kimmy's Kung Fu
Author: McJen
Email: skyfullofstars76@yahoo.com
Website: www.geocities.com/skyfullofstars76
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: The LGM investigate a antique shop and Rennassaince Fair after Kimmy is kidnapped.


Last Oasis
Author: Amazon X
E-mail: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com
Website: http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Feedback: Yes, please!
Category: Gen/Het (no kidding!), blackout fic
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Summary: Where do you go when things go dark?

Late One Night: The Adventures of the Lone Gunmen on Tequila
Author: X_FileNumber25
E-Mail: X_FileNumber25@yahoo.com
Website: http://whendidshelet.itgo.com/
Category: Het R or Under
Rating: Between a PG-13 and an R - Language, drinking, sexual content, and the weirdest plot in the history of X-Files Fanfic! 
Summary: The Lone Gunmen, Mulder, and Krycek get tangled up in a dazed Tequila laced night with two women who call them their “call boys”


Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Langly needs some reassurance


A Life At Arm's Length
Author: Martha
Email: marthalgm@yahoo.com
Category: JTS, Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: What will it finally take to be the first to reach out?


A Little Frohike
Author: MagsRose
Feedback: magsrose@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: G
Frohike gets some shocking news from an old friend.


Lone Gunchick- Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Author: X_FileNumber25
E-Mail: X_FileNumber25@yahoo.com
Website: http://whendidshelet.itgo.com/
Category: Gen
Rating: PG-13 for this chapter, mild language
Summary: The Lone Gunmen add a Lone Gunchick.


Long Distance Conversation
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Langly's in Vancouver, Byers is in DC. What do you think they talk
about on the phone (Oh, c'mon, please:)


The Luck of Frohike
Author: Kathy Swanson
E-Mail: kateswan_mib@yahoo.com 
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG13 (Pretty Good story)
Summary: Frohike finds out something about his family tree.


Luck of the Roll
Author: waterfall
E-Mail: waterfallingbc@yahoo.com
Rating: G
Category: Gen/Het,  Jimmy/Yves friendship; Yves POV
Summary: Trying to avoid snake eyes on an evening out.


After the Fall Series:

Author: mice
E-Mail: just_us_mice@yahoo.com 
Website: http://www.squidge.org/~surrealarts/mice.html 
Category: Crossover, LGM/DA, Byers/Logan
Rating: NC-17 m/m interaction SLASH WARNING IN EFFECT. If it squicks you, don't read it.
Summary: Byers goes to Seattle looking for information on the Manticore Project, and ends up finding much more than he bargained for.  AtF2: Holding Together (available only in "At Day's End," a printzine from Slash Net Publications)


The Meeting
Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen/Romance
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Another challenge fic.  Byers is out funky poaching on his own …

Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Summary:  Written in honour of the Lone Gunmen Convention in
Seattle .


Morning Moves
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Byers is keeping a secret from Langly


The Kryptonian Conundrum
Author: Mice
Category: Crossover, Smallville/XF/LGM, PWP
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Badfic silliness


Author:  Amazon X
E-mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com 
Feedback:  yes, please, flames burned
Category:  Gen/Het
Rating:  R for language
Summary:  The guys find their muscle.


Maximum Byers
Maximum Byers 1: Texas Death House Blues
Maximum Byers 2: Long Journey Home
Maximum Byers 3: Razors Edge
Maximum Byers 4: What are you in the Dark
Maximum Byers 5: The Hazards of Being Human

Maximum Byers 6: What You Are in the Light

Author: mice
E-Mail: just_us_mice@yahoo.com 
Website: http://www.squidge.org/~surrealarts/mice.html
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17, violence
Summary: Missing scenes and post-ep -- Byers and Jimmy deal with life on death row.


Moving On, Jimmy's POV
Author:  Amazon X
E-Mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com  
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Category:  Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13
Summary:  We need to know the other side of the coin.


Author: Wendy Raimi
E-Mail: khlara@juno.com 
Website: http://www.tagnout.com/
Category: NC-17
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Langly muses over that which he cannot have.


The Next Morning
Author:  CrusherJen
E-mail:  CrusherJen@aol.com

Website:  I have two: my own little slice O’ LGM, Like Golf Balls for Gunmen and the really important one, which I co-authored: the Lone Gunmen Resuscitation Petition  Please check it out and support the Lone Gunmen!

Category/Spoilers: JTS
Rating: Generally G, with minor mention of nudity… but it’s all clean  :^D
Summary: A little what-if of what happened the morning after…


The Night the Stroganoff Squealed
Author: lianeviolet
Category: Gen/Het, Humor
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Something’s up with Langly, Frohike wants to know what.


No Money Down
Author: Martha
Email: marthalgm@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het, Story
Rating: G
Summary: The Gunmen buy a van with a past. 


Not Paranoid Enough
Author: Maidenjedi
E-Mail: texgoddess@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/texgoddess
Category: Gen
Rating: R 
Summary: "No matter how paranoid you are, you aren't paranoid enough." -- Susanne Modeski 


Oil is Optional
Author: Mark Apoapsis
E-Mail: MApoapsis@excite.com
Website: http://Mark.Apoapsis.wants.to/write/slash/
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: "Missing" locker-room scene from "Like Water for Octane"


On The Stroke Of Midnight 
Author: Susan Littlejohn 
E-Mail: susanl2334@mail.com or susanl2334@mailcity.com 
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG 
Summary: Musing Of A Bemused Lone Gunmen.


Only Human
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Just a little bit of fluff in honour of Bruce's appearance on


On The Dunes
Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Slash
Rating:  NC/17
Summary:  A summertime story. Mulder goes to visit the Gunmen in their hideout and sees more than he expected.
