Author: Morgan Stuart
E-Mail: morganstuart@mindspring.com
Website: N/A
Category: Gen/Het, Pre-Slash, AU
Rating: R
Summary: It's eleven years in the future, eight since "the cataclysm,"
and only three of the characters from The X-Files have survived.
The Fort
Author: Kate K.
E-Mail: kkeene@neosoft.com
Category: Gen/Het, NC-17
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A story of fantasies, secret lust and unexpected attraction.
The couple in question engages in consensual BDSM.
Not for readers of tender years or delicate sensibilities.
The Well Kept
WKS1: A Well Kept Man
WKS2: A Night on the Town
Author: Mice
Category: Slash, Byers/Doggett, BDSM
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Doggett offers Byers an arrangement as his "kept man."
We Were Sleeping
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Missing scene from "The Gift". How long did Langly
manage to keep
his pants on?
When You Wish
Author: S. Littlejohn
E-Mail: susanlittlejohn@netscape.net susanl2334@mailcity.com susieql@hotmail.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: To wish perchance to dream. Is it one in the same?
Within A Bedroom
Author: Sue
Rating: PG
Summary : How about those 'shippers, huh?
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail: everly_dawn@yahoo.com
Website: Lo
Studio di Iniquita'
Category: Gen/Het, Vignette
Rating: PG
Summary: Frohike witnesses a scene that inspires some
profound thoughts in his mind.
Wizard of LGM
Author: GirlX
E-Mail: bnlx14@aol.com
Website: http://www.expage.com/thelonegunwoman
Category: Crossover
Rating: PG-13 for language you'd hear on TV
Summary: When the LGM, Yves and Jimmy crossover to the Land of LGM, will things
ever be the same again?
It's A Wonderful File: Part
1, Part
2, Part
3, Part
Author: Alison
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: What would Mulder see, if he got the chance to see what
the world would have been like without him? This is my entirely inadequate
tribute to that great Christmas film, "It's a Wonderful Life.
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash (well, just implied)
Rating: PG
Summary: Post Momemto Mori- Langly waits up for Byers
II: Watching
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Implied Slash (well, I'm getting there)
Rating: PG
Summary: Langly is watching Byers
III: Wanting
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Langly is obsessed
IV: Wondering
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Byers gets a shock
V: Wakening
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Implied Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Byers is getting all hot and bothered.
V.?: Wavering
Author: Alison
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash, Romance
Rating: PG
Summary: Missing scene from the "Waiting" series: between 5 and
6 I guess
VI: Welcoming
Author: Alison
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash, Romance
Rating: NC/17
Summary: First Contact!
You Knew Who She Was
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG