Titles "A-E"

Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail:  everly_dawn@yahoo.com 
Website: Lo Studio di Iniquita'
Category:  Gen/Het, Vignette
Rating: PG
Summary: A man and the object of his affection.


Adventures With a Lonegunman.
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Website: None
Category: Gen-Het
Rating: PG
Summary: 'Scarecrow' and Scully do Vegas.


Afterglow II: Deep in the Night
Afterglow III: Light of Day
Author: Alison 
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Takes place after "Welcoming": later
that same night. The guys explore their new


Age of Innocence
Author: Amy Jonas
Email: adjonas2000@yahoo.com
Category:  Gen/Het, Jimmy and Yves angst, romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimers:  They’re not mine no matter how much I wish upon a star.
Archive: Want it, take, let me know
Summary:  “Everything is so mixed up.  My gut tells me what I did was wrong. It even feels wrong.” He shook his head and looked at her, “but I would do it again.” 


All Apologies
Author: Vicinity
E-mail: vicinity@hotmail.com
Category: JTS
Rating: G
Summary: Reflections on the passing of heroes.


Author: Alison 
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Missing scene from J D Rush's "Miami Blues" (read it first!) which
was a response to a challenge on the LGM slash list: what if the guys thought
Langly was dead?


Archer Reflections
Author: Karen
E-Mail: consuela70@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.bitingthrough.com
Category: Gen/Het under R
Rating: PG
Summary: Frohike reflects


Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Byers agrees to help Mulder out, but it leads to more than they
both bargained for.


Arousal II: Compulsion
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: You might have known we hadn't seen the last of that stuff. Did you
really expect Mulder to throw it all away?


Arousal III: Seduction
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Further consequences of Mulders seduction of Byers. But what's wrong
with Byers? And what's going to happen when Langly finds out?


Arousal IV: Reflection
Author: Alison
Web Page: 
Category: Slash, Mulder/Byers
Rating:   NC/17
Summary:  An interlude, during which the main players in this game work out their next moves.


Arousal V:  Deception
Author: Alison
Web Page: 
Category: Slash, Mulder/Byers
Rating:   NC/17
Summary:  Lies and more lies.  Is anyone telling the truth any more?  


Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Slash (implied)
Rating:  PG
Summary:  After the events of the Pilot episode, Langly waits for Byers to come home.


Bath Time
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: No plot here, just good *clean* fun. Byers raids the bathroom
cabinet. But who's seducing who?


Blind Man's Buff
Author: Mark Apoapsis
E-Mail: MApoapsis@excite.com
Website: http://Mark.Apoapsis.wants.to/write/slash/
Category: Slash
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "Missing" locker-room scene from "Like Water for Octane"
Archive: Ask, and assume "yes" if no response in 30 days
Disclaimers: M/M romance/sensuality. Characters "borrowed" from 1013.
Notes: Pairing: Byers/Jimmy


Bad Case of The Bug
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Website: None
Category: Gen-Het
Rating: G
Summary: A certain hacker makes a lousy patient.


The Beginning of Revision
Author: Karen
E-Mail: consuela70@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.bitingthrough.com
Category: Gen/Het under R
Rating: PG
Summary: My answer to the age-old question of "When the hades is Scully going to get tired of Mulder's wacko behavior and realize who the man for her really is?"


Big Things Come in Small Packages
Author: J.D.Rush

Email: yankeestarbuck462@yahoo.com
Webpage: http://itak.slashcity.net/
Category: Gen/Het WIP
Rating: All ratings (dependent on part)
Summary: Fohike gives Sully and offer she can't refuse.
~ An Offer She Can't Refuse ~ They Say it's Your Birthday
~ Going Postal ~ Home Sweet home
~ Going to the Chapel ~ Confessions Part 3
~ Confessions Part 1 ~ Florence Nightingale
~ Mother and Child Reunion ~ Lean On Me
~ Mr. Wizard's World ~ Can I Have This Dance?
~ So Where Were *YOU* When...? ~ Lullaby and Goodnight
~ Rub-a-Dub-Dub ~ Gimme Three Steps
~ Tiny Bubbles ~ The Prodigal Son Returns
~Confessions Part 2 ~ And Now For Something Completely Different
~ There Ain't No Sanity Clause ~ We're moving On Up
~ Out With the Old, In With the New ~ The Breakfast Nook
~ The Stuff That Dreams Are made Of ~ How Much is That Doggie in theWindow?
~ And Then here Was One ~ Confessions Part 4
~ Be My Valentine


The Big Yellow Taxi
Part One - Don't It Always Seem To Go

Part 2 -You Don't Know What You've Got
Part 3 - 'Til It's Gone
This is another Emma story.


By the Light of the Blood Red Moon
Author: Maidenjedi
E-Mail: texgoddess@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/texgoddess
Category: Gen
Rating: R
Summary: Byers and Scully chase down yet another lead in the ongoing search for Mulder. 


Caffiene, Conspiracies, and the Fortean Nature of Fishes:
I: This Island Maury 
II: Flying Saucer Safari 
III: Trek to Stupidity 
IV: Earth Boys are Much Harder 
V: Mutes: It's What's for Dinner 
VI: Land of Ten Thousand Lake Monsters 
VII, Do Abductees Dream of Alien Sheep? 
VIII: When Geoducks Go Bad 
IX: Sleepless in Sammamish 
X: The Strawberry Ice Cream Show 
XI: The Kiler Korn From Outer Space

Author: D. Sidhe
Email: dsidhe@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: See each individual story.
Summary: "Caffeine, Conspiracies, and the Fortean Nature of Fishes" is a new series, which is basically a Langly/Byers, Frohike/Mulder "Weekend"-sequel road trip. There's a lot of insanity going on. This one's a WIP actually in progress, but here's where we are so far. There's still very little plot, but there does seem to be rather a lot of entirely gratuitous sex.
Disclaimers: Nobody here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Apologies to all and sundry.


Chained to the Past
Author: McJen
E-Mail: skyfullofstars76@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/skyfullofstars76
Category: Gen/Het-R
Rating: PG
Summary: Kimmy Belmont's younger sister ends up handcuffed to Langly after they are injected with a nanovirus. The nanovirus is the same one that was injected in Skinner by Krychek. 


Author:  Amazon X
E-Mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Category:  Gen/Het
Rating:  NC-17
Summary:  What happens when Mulder and Scully ask the Gunmen to infiltrate an S-M club?


Author: Amazon X
E-mail: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com
Website: http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Feedback: If it makes you happy!
Category: successfic, happyfic, gen
Rating: G
Summary: The Gunmen don't mess EVERYTHING up.


Chef Langly 
Moon Hawk-Watches
E-Mail: darkmoon@speakeasy.org
Category: Gen/Het, I guess
Rating: PG
Summary: Langly can cook... he just requires the proper stimulus!


Christmas in July
Author: J.D. Rush
Email Address: yanksfan462@...
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: NC-17 for m/f sexual situations
Summary: Monica cooks a special meal for her special guy. Third story in
the Byers/Reyes romance subplot of the "Big Things" Universe. (Follows "The
Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of" and "Lean On Me".)


Christmas Spirits
Author: SL Wickham (based on an idea by Mark Wickham)
Email: S3wick@AOL.com
Category: Gen/Het  (Please forgive the 'cheesy' spin.)
Rating: PG-13/R (for some naughty language)
Summary: the boys pull community service just before Christmas . . .


Christmas Yves
Author: Amy Jonas
Email: adjonas2000@yahoo.com
Rating: PG13 for sexual situations
Category: Romance, schmoopiness
Spoilers: None but there are minor references to several episodes.  Can you name them?  He!
Summary:  Jimmy and Yves’ first Christmas together. 
Disclaimer: Jimmy and Yves are owned by Fox and Chris Carter but I love them.  


Couldn't Be Happier
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail:  everly_dawn@yahoo.com 
Website: http://everlydawn.tripod.com/index.htm
Category:  Slash, Smut
Rating: NC-17
Alpha-Byers…yeah that about explains it!


Author: Amy Jonas
Email: adjonas2000@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: A post ep for Like Water For Octane


Cracked Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Epilogue
Author: Sue 
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13 
Summary: So... What did Blondie get up to between the time he breezed off with Jimmy and Timmy, to catch the floor show that went along with 'the all you can eat lobster,' before Scully arrived? Leave it to 'Cutie'...


Darkness Reveals
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail:  everly_dawn@yahoo.com 
Website: Lo Studio di Iniquita'
Category: JTS, Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: Yves' thoughts.


The Date - Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 
Author: susanlittlejohn 
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: PG-13 
Summary: Langly's Big Night... 


A Day on the Road
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail: everly_dawn@yahoo.com
Website: Lo Studio di Iniquita'
Rating: G
Category: Gen, Humor, PWP
Summary: The boys stop in at a travel lodge for the night.


Author: Amazon X
E-Mail: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Website: http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com 
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: R, for language
Summary: Sometimes, you have to help your friends.


Denial Redux
Author: Amazon X
E-mail: yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com
Website: http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Feedback: Won't you please, please help me? (to feel better and gimme some lovin'!)
Category: Slash, post-post ep
Rating: NC-17 (well, duh!)
Summary: After "Denial", Byers and Krycek examine the long look in Byers' eyes.


Direct Deposit Part 1, Part 2 
Author: Brenna "Snakelady" Dawkins
E-Mail: BrennaSnakelady@aol.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13: language, violent images
Summary: A shapeshifting creature of myth asks the boys for help.


The Disappearance of Yves - An Unsolved Mysteries Segment
Author: Martha
Email: marthalgm@yahoo.com
Category: Crossover (XF/TLG/Unsolved Mysteries)/ Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: The Lone Gunmen take the search for Yves to the airwaves. 


Author: Inkpot
E-Mail: inkpotmonkey@aol.com
Website: none
Category: Gen
Rating: PG
Summary: A post-ep look into Yves's feelings.


Discoveries - Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Epilogue
Author: Susan Littlejohn 
E-Mail: susanlittlejohn@netscape.net 
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG


A Divine Comedy
Author: Karen
E-Mail: consuela70@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.bitingthrough.com
Category: General
Rating: PG
Summary: Byers has the guys out on a strange tip...


'Domo Arigato,' Mr. Roboto
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com 
Website: None
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: The Gunmen and Yves strive to attenuate some extraordinary stolen property.


Don't Call Me Francois: The Strange Case of Shadet House
Author: kateswan
E-Mail: kateswan_mib@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PGS (pretty good story)
Summary: Gunmen, Jimmy, Yves in a haunted house


Don't Tell Me
Don't Tell Me: Part 1 (Byers)
Don't Tell Me: Part 2 (Langly)
Don't Tell Me: Part 3 (Frohike)
Don't Tell Me: Part 4 (Conclusion)
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail: everly_dawn@yahoo.com 
Website: Lo Studio di Iniquita'
Category: Slash
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A song, a feeling, a little insanity.  Overdone plot devices galore!


Dream Realization
Author: MagsRose
Feedback: magsrose@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: P G-13 
Summary: Radio Shack was always a pain in the neck. So, how come Frohike didn't seem to mind going out there.


Driving Force
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: The boys are driving. Langly gets horny. Smut ensues. That's all.


Early in the Morning
Author: Karen
E-Mail: consuela70@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.bitingthrough.com
Category: Gen/Het under R
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Frohike has a rude awakening


Author: J.D. Rush
Email Address: yanksfan462@...
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: Missing scene from "Three of a Kind". Just how DID Frohike get
Scully back up to their hotel room?
Pairing: Frohike/Scully
Disclaimers: The characters, and some sampled dialog, belong to CC, 10 13
Productions, and FOX . . . the demented ramblings are mine. Title stolen, ahhh,


'El Tercer Ojo Ciego' 
Translation: Third Eye Blind 
Author: Sue 
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: PG 


Author: lianeviolet
E-Mail: lianeviolet@lycos.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After the funeral, Byers reflects upon life in general and the death of Mulder


The Encounter
Author:  Amazon X
E-mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com 
Feedback:  that would be nice, you flame me, you die
Category:  Gen/Het
Rating:  About as G as you can get
Summary:  What happens when Langly meets the Princess of the Amazons?


End Game
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: This arose out of some speculation about just WHAT was
happening before the boys' scene in "The End", and why Langly was
brushing his teeth and Byers fastening his robe!


Everything I Know, I Learned From the Gunmen
Author: J.D. Rush
E-Mail: yanksfan462@...
Category: Filk/Parody/Humor
Rating: G
Summary: You know all those books, "Everything I Learned, Blah, Blah, Blah?"
Yeah, this is one of them.


Explosion, Part I
Author:  Amazon X
E-mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com
Feedback:  gimme gimme, flames extinguished
Category:  Gen/Het
Rating:  NC-17
Summary:  Langly finally gets some!

