Titles "P-T"

Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: A response to a challenge to the LGM slash list for a story
involving leather pants


Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: PG-13 (Some language.)


Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Byers makes Langly mad, so Langly makes Byers beg


Pawn En Passant
Author:  Amy Jonas
E-Mail: adjonas2000@yahoo.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating:  PG 13  for depictions of attempted rape, some language
Summary:  While on an undercover operation with the Gunmen, Yves is kidnapped.
Disclaimer:  The Lone Gunmen are owned by 10:13, FOX, and CC. 


Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Misunderstandings and making up


Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: It's all in the mind


The Price
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage: http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Byers has to make a difficult decision


Praise to the Woman
Author: Karen
E-Mail: consuela70@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.bitingthrough.com
Category: Gen/Het under R
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Frohike, Doggett, drinking, discussing, random referrences to gunfen threads.


Author: Keleka
E-Mail: Keleka@keleka.net
Website: www.keleka.net/keleka/
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: Scully awakens in the hospital at the end of "Without" to find Frohike at her bedside.


Proof Positive
Author: Brenna "Snakelady" Dawkins
E-Mail: BrennaSnakelady@aol.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: It's Frohike's baby! Nuff said!


A Quickie
Author: Everly Dawn
E-Mail:  everly_dawn@yahoo.com 
Website: Lo Studio di Iniquita'
Category:  Gen/Het, Humor
Rating: PG (Implied Slashy Sexual Content)
Summary: A little snippet.  A short conversation between Langly and Byers.


Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Summary:  A Scully POV story.


The REAL Ending
Author:  CrusherJen
E-mail:  CrusherJen@aol.com
Website:  I have two: my own little slice O' LGM, Like Golf Balls for Gunmen and the really important one, which I co-authored: the Lone Gunmen Resuscitation Petition  Please check it out and support the Lone Gunmen!
Category/Spoilers: JTS
Rating: PG for mild cuss words
Summary: Act Five…  the part we didn’t see… but should have.


Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Slash
Rating:  NC/17
Summary:  Three short 1-1 postep scenes after Maximum Byers


Author: Maidenjedi
E-Mail: texgoddess@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.geocities.com/texgoddess
Category: Het-R
Rating: R
Summary: This is a role he has prepared for all his life.


Rest In Peace
Author:  Amazon X
E-mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com  
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com 
Feedback:  thank you, not a flame needed
Category:  Gen/Het
Rating:  PG-13
Summary:  Exactly how do they mourn, having seen death so many times?  What happens when they lose one of their own?


Resume Play
Author: Martha
E-Mail: marthalgm@yahoo.com 
Spoilers: Jump the Shark (US9x15)
Rating: PG
Category: Gen/Het
Keywords: Lone Gunmen
Summary: The latest volume of Miss Manners does not contain
any references on the etiquette of greeting those persons whose
funerals one has previously attended.


Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Summary:  A year after the events of Jump the Shark, Monica Reyes has a rendezvous at


Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Website: None
Category: General/Het/JTS
Rating: PG
Summary: Long-standing fellow travelers regroup.


Ringo's Revelation
Author:  Amazon X
E-mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com 
Feedback:  Always accepted, flames returned.
Category:  Slash
Rating:  NC-17
Summary:  Byers and Frohike are outed to Langly in a most shocking way.


Role Play
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: Langly and Byers try some role play. Langly's leather jacket makes
another appearance


Root Canal
Author: Alison
Email: xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Langlytorture, yeah! Poor 'ol Langly suffering again, so Byers
applies some TLC.


Roses for Remembrance
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: Post-ep for Jump the Shark. Scully finds out what really happened.


Author:  Amazon X
E-mail:  yankeestarbuck@yahoo.com 
Website:  http://yankeestarbuck.tripod.com 
Feedback:  It's necessary for me to become a better writer. What did you like? What didn't you like? How can I make it better?
Category:  Gen/Het
Spoilers:  "SR 819", vague reference to the Gunmen scenes of "Existence" and "Anasazi" and of The Lone Gunmen series "Bond, Jimmy Bond"
Rating:  R, for language
Summary:  Langly befriends a street kid who holds Skinner's life in her hands.


Safe At Home Revisited
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Website: None
Category: Gen/Het/JTS/TU
Rating: PG
Summary: A roadside chat among the familiar.


Sally's Lone Gunmen Saga
Book 1: Oblate by SallyH
Category: het
Rating: R to NC-17
Summary: 89 chapters of nonstop Gunmen 

Book 2: Loyalty and Sedition by SallyH
Category: het
Rating: R to NC-17
Summary: 90 chapters of more mayhem and romance 

Book 3: Invictus Maneo by SallyH
Category: het
Rating: R to NC-17 Only 10 chapters posted so far. There are 9 completed books in this series, and a 10th in progress.


Scully Finds Out
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Summary: Scully finds out something about the boys


Secrets Man Was Not Meant to Know
Author: D. Sidhe
Email: dsidhe@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: G
Summary: The strangest stories ever told…
Disclaimers: Nobody here is mine. Nothing here is mine. Apologies to all and sundry.


Shakedown, Breakdown, Takedown
Author: Martha
E-Mail: marthalgm@yahoo.com
Category: Story / Crossover
Spoilers: X Files (US6&7), Millennium (US2), The Lone Gunmen(US1)
Rating: PG-13 (some language)
Summary: The Gunmen help an old acquaintance with a problem. The source of that problem may be someone that they know.


Shell Game
Author: Sue
E-Mail: susieqla@yahoo.com
Website: None
Category: General/Het/JTS
Rating: PG
Summary: The Lone Gunmen stage a little legerdemain of their own.
Disclaimer: The X-Files characters and references are property of 10-13 Productions and FOX. No monetary profit being made.
Notes: Also, had to post this quick in order to feel better; for my private closure.


Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Author: Sue Littlejohn 
E-Mail: susanlittlejohn@netscape.net susanl2334@mailcity.com susieql@hotmail.com 
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG 
Summary: Somewhat alternative mid-episode fic. Not exactly a strict to the script effort, but, hey, this is fanfic, after all, and to  those of you who actually read my stuff, all I can say is, I really appreciate it. There are  no guarantees with fanfic, I've come to appreciate,  either way. 


The Strangers
Author:  Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category:  Gen
Rating:  PG
Summary:  “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”.


Strangers In A Car
Author: Frohike
E-Mail: frohike51@aol.com
Website: Frohike's Folly www.geocities.com/frohike51
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: G
Summary: Byers finds Susanne and comes to terms with the reality of their relationship.


My Summer Vacation By Emma
Author: MagsRose
Email: magsrose@attbi.com 
Category: Gen
Rating: G
Summary: Frohike's daughter, Emma, settles into life with the Gunmen, meets a few FBI agents and has some adventures.


Sunday Morning
Author: Alison
Web Page: 
Category: Slash
Rating:   NC/17
Summary:  The boys, doing what people do on Sunday morning (or so I believe. But what would I know?)


Author: Frohike
E-Mail: frohike51@aol.com 
Website: Frohike's Folly www.geocities.com/frohike51
Category: Gen/Het 
Rating: G
Summary: A melancholy piece written on the long, dark journey into work. A little MSR, a little BSR~~you'll figure that one out soon enough.


Susanne in Starlight
Author: McJen
Email: skyfullofstars76@yahoo.com
Website: www.geocities.com/skyfullofstars76
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: PG
Summary: The LGM go to California to investigate a series of blackouts at an observatory, Byers is reunited with Susanne Modeski


Tango of Awakening
Author: Kate K.
E-Mail: kkeene@neosoft.com
Website: http://kkeene.tripod.com/
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: NC-17
Summary: For the benefit of sevr'l readers, a tale of love and passion.


Author: Invisigoth7of9
E-Mail: cadetdru@hotmail.com
Website: http://geocities.com/phoenixforum
Category: Crossover
Rating: PG-13
Summary: EFC-- second season-ish, back when it was good-- melds into LGM-verse.


Thicker Than Water
Author: Alison
Email:  xalison@excite.com
Webpage:  http://twooutofthree.populli.net
Category: Slash
Rating: NC/17
Summary: A visit to the supermarket nearly ends in tragedy for Langly and


Erynn and Sally

Things Undone 1: Things Undone by Erynn
Category: gen/het
Rating: R, strong language, violence
Summary: Problems from the past haunt the Gunmen. A 5-part story wherein the Gunmen deal with some unfinished business.


Things Undone 2: Mending the Tears by Sally 
Category: gen/het
Rating: R
Summary: A 6-part story wherein Langly and Frohike go to the ER. 


Things Undone 3: To Carry On by Erynn 
Category: gen/het
Rating: R
Summary: The Gunmen deal with the aftermath of the events in Things Undone. A vignette wherein the Gunmen begin to deal with the repurcussions of their adventure. 


Things Undone 4: Alchemy of the Word by Erynn and Sally 
Category: gen/het
Rating: R
Summary: Sometimes words are more important in our lives than we think. A 17 chapter novella in which words are more important than they seem, and Byers starts to get a life. 


Things Undone 5: Snipe Hunt by Erynn and Sally 
Category: gen/het
Summary: It's hacker season. Do you know where your computer is? A 24 chapter novel wherein our boys track down a hacker and end up in a real mess. 


Things Undone 6: Road Trip by Erynn and Sally 
Category: gen/het
Rating: R
Summary: A 7-chapter story wherein Frohike's on the road, and Byers and Langly take some time to talk.


Think First
Author: Amy Jonas and MagsRose
Feedback: adjonas@yahoo.com and magsrose@attbi.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: G
Summary: Langly opens his big mouth.


Third String Player
Author: SL Wickham
E-mail: S3wick@AOL.com
Category: Gen/Het
Rating: R (for naughty language and some sexual situations)
Summary:  Byers does a little moonlighting and meets up with Susanne Modeski.


21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Author: Martha
E-Mail: marthalgm@yahoo.com
Spoilers: Jump the Shark (US XF 9X15), The Lone Gunmen (S1)
Rating: PG-13
Keywords: Lone Gunmen
Category: Gen, post-ep
Summary: Extraordinary men meet in ordinary time.

